Hey follower bloggers...I haven't blogged in awhile. With my work being crazy and the holidays just around the corner I haven't had much time for much of anything. I hope to get back to it ASAP! I finally decorated for Christmas on Friday. I am happy things are up but I was noticing I have been doing less and less lately because I don't really have the space in my apartment and for those who have seen my place. It already kinda looks like Christmas year round with my colors, yellow, red and green. Nevertheless I put up my Carolina tree (black tree with Gamecock ornaments.) But I started thinking, I have to have a theme for any decorations I do. My future sister in law has tons of decorations that don't have a theme but they look good together. Am I weird because I am very picky when it comes to my Christmas decorations. I do not want any colored lights and everything has to be red, black, green or gold.